Relax - Events Calendar
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LANBrew Gaming hosts events on Friday nights featuring video games and free food to connect students in a casual environment. Come play games or bring your own games to share!

Finals Study in Sharp Chapel

TU students join Sharp Chapel for Study in the Chapel, Dec. 5-8 and 11-14. Come and enjoy a quiet, contemplative place to do reading and prepare for your finals and final papers. Refreshments available all day in the Atrium.

Finals Study in Sharp Chapel

TU students join Sharp Chapel for Study in the Chapel, Dec. 5-8 and 11-14. Come and enjoy a quiet, contemplative place to do reading and prepare for your finals and final papers. Refreshments available all day in the Atrium.

Finals Study in Sharp Chapel

TU students join Sharp Chapel for Study in the Chapel, Dec. 5-8 and 11-14. Come and enjoy a quiet, contemplative place to do reading and prepare for your finals and final papers. Refreshments available all day in the Atrium.

Finals Study in Sharp Chapel

TU students join Sharp Chapel for Study in the Chapel, Dec. 5-8 and 11-14. Come and enjoy a quiet, contemplative place to do reading and prepare for your finals and final papers. Refreshments available all day in the Atrium.

Finals Study in Sharp Chapel

TU students join Sharp Chapel for Study in the Chapel, Dec. 5-8 and 11-14. Come and enjoy a quiet, contemplative place to do reading and prepare for your finals and final papers. Refreshments available all day in the Atrium.

Finals Study in Sharp Chapel

TU students join Sharp Chapel for Study in the Chapel, Dec. 5-8 and 11-14. Come and enjoy a quiet, contemplative place to do reading and prepare for your finals and final papers. Refreshments available all day in the Atrium.

Finals Study in Sharp Chapel

TU students join Sharp Chapel for Study in the Chapel, Dec. 5-8 and 11-14. Come and enjoy a quiet, contemplative place to do reading and prepare for your finals and final papers. Refreshments available all day in the Atrium.

Finals Study in Sharp Chapel

TU students join Sharp Chapel for Study in the Chapel, Dec. 5-8 and 11-14. Come and enjoy a quiet, contemplative place to do reading and prepare for your finals and final papers. Refreshments available all day in the Atrium.


Play local multiplayer games and make friends along the way. Pizza and drinks will be served. Consoles and games will be set up for all to play, but feel free to bring your own computer or console.

It’s gonna be great!