Alexandre Hogue Gallery | Margaret Curtis: “And, then”
Alexandre Hogue Gallery 2930 East 5th Street, TulsaAlexandre Hogue Gallery | Margaret Curtis: “And, then”
Alexandre Hogue Gallery 2930 East 5th Street, TulsaTea Night with ECAR
Mayo Village Apartments & Student Activities Center South Delaware Avenue, TulsaThe Professor was a Spy: Norman Holmes Pearson in the American Century
101 E. Archer 101 E. Archer St., TulsaAlexandre Hogue Gallery | Margaret Curtis: “And, then”
Alexandre Hogue Gallery 2930 East 5th Street, TulsaAlexandre Hogue Gallery | Margaret Curtis: “And, then”
Alexandre Hogue Gallery 2930 East 5th Street, TulsaFriends of Finance Executive Speaker Series Luncheon Featuring Kevin Sabin, Arvest, President and CEO
Allen Chapman Student Union 440 S Gary Ave, TulsaAlexandre Hogue Gallery | Margaret Curtis: “And, then”
Alexandre Hogue Gallery 2930 East 5th Street, TulsaCountdown to Connections: Practice Your Networking
Lorton Performance Center 550 South Gary Place, TulsaConcerts with Commentary – A Musical Travelogue
Lorton Performance Center 550 South Gary Place, TulsaAlexandre Hogue Gallery | Margaret Curtis: “And, then”
Alexandre Hogue Gallery 2930 East 5th Street, Tulsa30th Annual Route 66 Conference on Communication Disorders
Allen Chapman Student Union 440 S Gary Ave, TulsaAlexandre Hogue Gallery | Margaret Curtis: “And, then”
Alexandre Hogue Gallery 2930 East 5th Street, TulsaWeek of Events
Tour de Quartz: An Art Exhibition
Tour de Quartz: An Art Exhibition
Tour de Quartz is an annual showcase of student artwork from the Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute at Quartz Mountain (OSAI), which features artworks that consider the concept of utopia. Each student artist is represented by one piece of artwork in the Tour de Quartz, which exhibits at museums, libraries, and art galleries across the state. […]
Current Student Housing Selection
Current Student Housing Selection
Complete your 2025-2026 Housing and Dining Agreement by February 17 to retain your assignment, participate in housing self-selection, become a roommate, and more. To begin the housing and dining agreement process, please visit the Housing and Dining Portal.
Alexandre Hogue Gallery | Margaret Curtis: “And, then”
Alexandre Hogue Gallery | Margaret Curtis: “And, then”
On view through March 6, 2025. The Alexandre Hogue Gallery presents the exhibition "And, then" by Margaret Curtis, the 2025 Ruth Mayo Distinguished Visiting Artist. Margaret Curtis is a feminist artist whose exuberantly painted, multi-layered narrative paintings address power dynamics on both the individual and societal level. Her paintings respond to climate change and ecosystem […]
Tulsa Time
Tulsa Time
Tulsa Time is a two-day visit program (Sunday and Monday) for high school seniors. The event provides a broad overview of the opportunities TU offers students and a glimpse into life as a member of the Golden Hurricane family.
V.S. Naipaul: Man Without a Country
V.S. Naipaul: Man Without a Country
On view through Dec. 19, 2025. Special Collections at McFarlin Library presents, for the first time ever, an exhibition about Nobel Laureate V.S. Naipaul. Naipaul was a Trinidadian-born British author, with a cultural background from India. Publishing more than 30 books in over 50 years, he was a master in travel literature, paving the way […]
“Fever Dreams”
“Fever Dreams”
On view through April 1, 2025. View the limited time art exhibition "Fever Dreams" in the McFarlin Library on the plaza level. "Fever Dreams" brings together a curated selection of paintings that explore the surreal landscapes of the unconscious mind. Each artwork captures the intense and disorienting experiences of fever dreams, showcasing the complex emotions […]
Alien Worlds: A New Exhibition
Alien Worlds: A New Exhibition
On view through April 26, 2025. Since the beginning of time, we have looked to the skies with wonder, fear, hope, and curiosity as we try to imagine what could exist out in the cosmos. This exhibit explores the depiction of aliens and their homes across history and popular culture. We document the way humans […]
Alien Worlds: A New Exhibition
Alien Worlds: A New Exhibition
On view through April 26, 2025. Since the beginning of time, we have looked to the skies with wonder, fear, hope, and curiosity as we try to imagine what could exist out in the cosmos. This exhibit explores the depiction of aliens and their homes across history and popular culture. We document the way humans […]
Thank You Project 2025
Thank You Project 2025
This annual initiative sponsored by the Office of University Advancement & Alumni Engagement invites students to share expressions of gratitude and thanks to the generous donors who make their UTulsa scholarship support possible. Check your UTulsa email for more details!
Powerful Minds Event
Powerful Minds Event
Powerful Minds Event
Make sure you check out Powerful minds promo video that will be posted to TU social media’s!
Wesley/UUMC College Sunday School Class
Wesley/UUMC College Sunday School Class
Join us for the Wesley and University United Methodist Church’s Sunday School class designed for college students! We meet at The Wesley on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m., Discover what it means to #BeUMC as we explore our distinctive Wesleyan heritage and what makes The United Methodist Church unique. After our discussion, we’ll walk over […]
Shopping With CGE
Shopping With CGE
Need to stock up on essentials? International UTulsa students are invited to shop with the Center for Global Engagement and meet other students! Register online to participate.
HeartSeekers Tournament – UTulsa Esports
HeartSeekers Tournament – UTulsa Esports
League of Legends Valentines Day 2v2s tournament! This event will be in the Esports Varstity and student gaming lounge, but anyone can join in from home! Sign up with your partner by 5 p.m. Feb. 15!!! Join the TU Esports discord server and the TU League of Legends discord server for more info!
Parent and Family Leadership Council Meeting
Parent and Family Leadership Council Meeting
This invitation-only event is for members of UTulsa's Parent and Family Leadership Council (PFLC). PFLC members will enjoy breakfast, break out into working groups, hear from President Brad Carson, and take a behind-the-scenes athletics tour. UTulsa families can becoming founding members of the Parent and Family Leadership Council with a gift of $2,500+. (Employer matching […]
Free Lunch at BCM
Free Lunch at BCM
UTulsa students, faculty, and staff are invited to enjoy a great free lunch in a fun and relaxed environment, make new friends, and have good conversations! This is a come-and-go event. Visit to view the menu!
La Tertulia – TU Spanish Club
La Tertulia – TU Spanish Club
TU students are invited to a relaxing get together to practice speaking and listening to the Spanish language. All fluency levels welcome! Will occasionally have food from Latin cultures.
Lunch With Irenaeus
Lunch With Irenaeus
St. Irenaeus (B. 130 – D. 202), a father of the Church, was one of the earliest expositors of the Christian faith. Explore his teaching on scripture, authority, gnosticism and Jesus Christ. Meets each Monday at 12 noon in the 1st Floor Atrium of Sharp Chapel to read together the writings of Irenaeus. Readings and […]
Countdown to Connections: Networking Masterclass
Countdown to Connections: Networking Masterclass
UTulsa students: Join us for Countdown to Connections: Networking Masterclass, a dynamic session led by our certified career coaches! This interactive workshop will equip you with the tools you need to make meaningful connections and leave a lasting impression. You’ll learn: ✨ Power Skills – Master the essential interpersonal and communication techniques to build confidence […]
C. S. Lewis Book Club
C. S. Lewis Book Club
TU students are invited to join us every Monday to read through books by C. S. Lewis and discuss their ideas. We're currently reading "That Hideous Strength," the third book of Lewis's Space Trilogy. Come and argue (um discuss) with us! We read it there so all you need to do is show up.
Tea Night with ECAR
Tea Night with ECAR
UTulsa students: Every Campus a Refuge invites you to come and try a wide variety of hot teas from around the world, with a side of good company! Sweets and other beverages will also be provided. Coloring sheets, board games, and card games will be available for everyone to use at the meeting. Bring your […]
The Professor was a Spy: Norman Holmes Pearson in the American Century
The Professor was a Spy: Norman Holmes Pearson in the American Century
Norman Holmes Pearson might have looked like the tweedy Yale professor he was, but he was one of the most consequential figures in twentieth-century American literature; an architect of the Cold War collaboration between academia and cultural diplomacy; and a high-ranking spy in the OSS and one of the shapers of the CIA. In this […]
Monday Night Fellowship
Monday Night Fellowship
UTulsa students are invited to enjoy worship and study the Bible with other students who care about you! Heavy snacks 7:30-8 p.m., followed by worship and Bible study at 8. Follow @TulsaBCM for weekly details.
Ladies’ Luncheon and Fellowship
Ladies’ Luncheon and Fellowship
Female UTulsa students are invited to join us for a delightful Ladies’ Lunch every Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. or 12:20 p.m. It’s a wonderful opportunity to enjoy good food, warm company, and meaningful conversations as we deepen our fellowship and explore more about God’s word together. Whether you’re seeking connection or spiritual growth, this gathering […]
BCM Man Lunch
BCM Man Lunch
UTulsa men: Eat free food. Hear inspiring stories of how God works. Ask good questions. Learn stuff. Make new friends. There are two start times for the conversations: join us at 11:30 a.m. or 12:20 p.m. See you there!
Newman Free Lunch
Newman Free Lunch
TU students join the Newman Center for free lunch every single Tuesday of the semester! The Newman center appreciates the families, organizations, and individuals who provide students with free lunch and give up their time to serve.
TU Real Estate Club Meeting
TU Real Estate Club Meeting
Join the TU Real Estate Club and hear from guest speaker Chris O'Hare, a local expert in multi-family investments and current associate at CBRE in Tulsa! Free snacks and drinks will be provided. Chris joined CBRE in September 2023 in a move from Capstone Apartment Partners. Prior to CBRE, Chris helped facilitate the sale of […]
Talks on Inclusion
Talks on Inclusion
Join the TU Wesley in a safe and affirming space as we explore the “Clobber Passages” — biblical texts often used to marginalize LGBTQ+ people. In this series, we’ll approach these passages with a fresh perspective, seeking to reclaim them through inclusive, thoughtful discussion. Together, we’ll challenge harmful interpretations and discover new ways to engage […]
TUTV Weekly Meeting
TUTV Weekly Meeting
Join TUTV for filming our weekly show. Learn skills in working on screen as an anchor, audio engineering, production, writing, film editing, directing, camera work, and more! Just swing by at 4:30 in Kendall Hall and follow the TUTV studio signs inside.
TUTV Show Recordings
TUTV Show Recordings
TU and the Tulsa community are invited to listen to TUTV show recordings every week. TUTV is a student-led multimedia collaborative based at The University of Tulsa. Follow their weekly live show covering the latest news, sports, and entertainment on campus and around the globe below!
First-Gen Game Day Tuesday
First-Gen Game Day Tuesday
First-Gen UTulsa students are all invited to sharpen their critical thinking and problem-solving skills while enjoying classic and modern board games. It’s a great opportunity to unwind, meet new friends, and engage in a bit of friendly competition in a relaxed setting. Whether you're a board game pro or just looking to try something new, […]
Living Wage Simulation with Tulsa Area United Way
Living Wage Simulation with Tulsa Area United Way
Through a Living Wage Simulation, participants will gain an understanding of poverty in the Tulsa area and the obstacles our friends and neighbors face daily. This is a Tulsa Area United Way collaboration with Panhellenic Council. All UTulsa students are welcome to participate. Register online to attend.
Tabletop Gaming Club
Tabletop Gaming Club
The TU Tabletop Games Club meets every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Esports Gaming Lounge to play board games in a relaxed and friendly environment. All UTulsa students are welcome to join for a casual gaming experience!
Snacks and Sips with Arts and Sciences
Snacks and Sips with Arts and Sciences
UTulsa faculty, staff, and students are invited to stop by the Kendall College of Arts & Sciences Dean’s Office, located on the first floor of Tyrrell Hall, for snacks and […]
University of Tulsa Blood Drive
University of Tulsa Blood Drive
Join Our Blood Institute in the Alcove at the Allen Chapman Student Union for blood drives! Drive dates include: November 13-14, 2024 February 19-20, and 25, 2025 April 16-17, 2025 The drives will run from 10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. each day, and participants will receive promotional materials while supplies last. Text OBI4TU to 999777 for blood […]
Professional Engineering Consultants Tabling
Professional Engineering Consultants Tabling
Professional Engineering Consultants (PEC) is tabling in Keplinger Hall on February 19th to build connections with UTulsa Engineering students and to provide information on upcoming student opportunities. All engineering majors are welcome!
Friends of Finance Executive Speaker Series Luncheon Featuring Kevin Sabin, Arvest, President and CEO
Friends of Finance Executive Speaker Series Luncheon Featuring Kevin Sabin, Arvest, President and CEO
Join Friends of Finance for the Executive Speaker series to hear from Kevin Sabin, Arvest President and CEO. February 19, 2025 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Students attend for free but must register. Kevin Sabin is chairman and CEO of Arvest Bank, a position he has held since early 2024. He joined the bank in […]
Visit Koch Industries!
Visit Koch Industries!
Ever wondered what it's like to be a combustion engineer? Don't miss your chance to visit John Zink and Koch Industries and find out for yourself! UTulsa students are invited to stop by the Koch site Feb. 19 to receive a shop tour and free lunch. Transportation to and from the site visit is NOT […]
Psychology Information Exchange (PIE)
Psychology Information Exchange (PIE)
The University of Tulsa I-O Psychology Department welcomes Adam Seaman, founder and CEO of Positive Leadership. Mr. Seaman will talk with graduate students and faculty about organizational development and leadership training.
Free Vegetarian Lunch
Free Vegetarian Lunch
UTulsa students are invited to visit the Little Blue House for a free vegetarian lunch every Wednesday of fall and spring classes.
WOW-Worship on Wednesday
WOW-Worship on Wednesday
A Christian-particular Praise and Worship Chapel Service held on Wednesdays at noon in the Sanctuary during the academic year. Speakers include campus staff, students and faculty as well as TU campus ministers, area pastors and community leaders. Students are invited and welcome. A free lunch follows WOW at 12:30 p.m. in the Atrium.
TU/VITA Tax Filing
TU/VITA Tax Filing
UTulsa students: Need help filing your taxes? Stop by the TU/VITA tax clinic Wednesdays or Saturdays through April 15 for free tax assistance. Book an appointment online.
Women’s Basketball vs. Tulane
University of Tulsa Blood Drive
University of Tulsa Blood Drive
Join Our Blood Institute in the Alcove at the Allen Chapman Student Union for blood drives! Drive dates include: November 13-14, 2024 February 19-20, and 25, 2025 April 16-17, 2025 The drives will run from 10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. each day, and participants will receive promotional materials while supplies last. Text OBI4TU to 999777 for blood […]
Free Thursday Lunch @ The Wesley
Free Thursday Lunch @ The Wesley
Come and get it! Every Thursday this semester (beginning Jan. 23), the TU Wesley Foundation will be serving a free lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Each meal includes a garden salad, fresh fruits and veggies, a main dish (usually with a vegetarian and gluten free option), as well as dessert and drinks. All […]
Lunch & Learn w/ Baker Hughes
Lunch & Learn w/ Baker Hughes
Join us for a Lunch and Learn with Baker Hughes! 🌟 UTulsa Engineering students are invited to stop by Keplinger Hall, Room 3015, to discover exciting opportunities with Baker Hughes. Enjoy lunch while learning about the company’s innovative work, career paths, and how you can make an impact in the energy and technology industries. This […]
Countdown to Connections: Practice Your Networking
Countdown to Connections: Practice Your Networking
Get ready to sharpen your networking skills at Practice Your Networking! This interactive event helps you practice introductions, make memorable impressions, and build connections in a fun, supportive setting. Rotate through quick conversations with peers and professionals, gaining confidence and feedback to prepare for the Hurricane Connections Networking Event. Register via Handshake.
Open Mic Night with the Assocation of Black Collegains
Open Mic Night with the Assocation of Black Collegains
Join the Assocation of Black Collegains for an Open Mic Night! Listen to music, jokes, monologues, poems and more with food and drinks!
Not Your Typical Book Club
Not Your Typical Book Club
It's not your typical book club, it's BYOB! Bring your own book and come ready to talk about it. We want to know what you liked, what you disliked, and what surprised you about the reading experience. If you don't have a book you're currently reading, pick up a suggestion. All people and books are […]
Afternoon Tea Party
Afternoon Tea Party
First-Gen UTulsa students are invited to join us each week for a delightful tea rendezvous in the First-Gen Lounge! Savor a curated selection of teas, enjoy authentic Chinese snacks, and unwind with fun games. It’s the perfect way to relax, connect, and build community—don’t miss this cozy afternoon gathering!
TU Pride Club
TU Pride Club
UTulsa LGBTQIA2S+ students are invited for support, friendship, and campus events planning. Meetings are strictly confidential, because we realize that not everyone is at the same place regarding their sexuality. We are especially welcoming to those who are in the process of coming out and also to those who are unsure of their sexuality.
Concerts with Commentary – A Musical Travelogue
Concerts with Commentary – A Musical Travelogue
The Concerts with Commentary series features award-winning music faculty who not only perform with excellence but also share the cultural background and historical context of the repertoire and composers represented […]
30th Annual Route 66 Conference on Communication Disorders
30th Annual Route 66 Conference on Communication Disorders
The Route 66 Conference on Communication Disorders is an annual continuing education conference organized and hosted by undergraduate speech-language pathology students at The University of Tulsa. Since 1995, this gathering has provided an opportunity for professionals and students to learn from renowned speakers who specialize in one of the nine main areas of speech-language pathology, […]
Future Teachers Day 2025
Future Teachers Day 2025
The University of Tulsa Department of Education welcomes prospective education majors for a special event featuring guest speakers, lunch, and a tour of campus. This is an invitation-only event; please email for more information.
Cyber Fellows Speaker Series – Paul Winter
Cyber Fellows Speaker Series – Paul Winter
TU Cyber Fellows are invited to engage with Paul Winter who serves as the Vice President of Professional Services at SimSpace Corporation helping customers maximize their investment to understand cyber security risk through use of the SimSpace Cyber Range platform. Prior to joining SimSpace, Paul spent over a decade with Booz Allen Hamilton as a […]
Ask a TU Alumni with Andrew Varvara
Ask a TU Alumni with Andrew Varvara
Join us for an engaging session with Andrew Varvara, a proud University of Tulsa alumnus! This is your opportunity to connect with a successful graduate, gain valuable insights into his career journey, and learn how his time at TU shaped his path. TU Alum '22 Q&A: Andrew Varvara ✅ Breaking into the Top 1% in […]
OCII Cyber Range – Industry Day Event
OCII Cyber Range – Industry Day Event
The Oklahoma Cyber Innovation Institute (OCII) invites Oklahoma-based Cyber Security Services companies to an exclusive hands-on demonstration of our state-of-the-art Cyber Range, a powerful platform available to Oklahoma organizations. Join us for Industry Day to: - Experience live demonstrations of cutting-edge cyber defense scenarios - Discover how leading organizations are using the Cyber Range - […]
Visit The Firm – Eide Bailly
Visit The Firm – Eide Bailly
The Tulsa Eide Bailly office will be host their annual Visit the Firm event at 2 p.m. Friday, Feb. 21. This event is a wonderful opportunity for UTulsa students to learn more about a career in public accounting and explore the various opportunities available with Eide Bailly. Past attendees have greatly enjoyed interacting with our […]
Pathfinders Weekly Gathering
Pathfinders Weekly Gathering
Pathfinders participants are invited for a weekly community get together. Guest speakers and specific topics will be announced the week of via social media (IG: @utulsa_pathfinders). Free beverages and snacks are always provided.
Studio 151: Podcasting Lab Meeting
Studio 151: Podcasting Lab Meeting
Join us to talk about your podcast ideas. Studio 151 meets bi-weekly on Friday at 5 p.m. in the Studio B, Kendall Hall. We gather and talk about podcasts, from pitching new ideas to planning to scheduling the recording times. Don't be shy if you're new, just show up and we got you covered!
Lunar New Year
Lunar New Year
Lunar New Year festival is planned to happen on Friday, February 21st from 6-9 PM in the Lorton Performing Arts Center. Performance starts around 7-7:30 PM and there will be raffle giveaways, free food, performances, activities, and more! There will be a giant wishing tree where attendees can write their wishes on red paper and […]
Law Admitted Student Open House
Law Admitted Student Open House
Students who have been selected for admittance to TU Law and their families are invited to visit The University of Tulsa College of Law in person to meet current students, faculty, and staff, and tour classrooms and campus.
Admitted Law Student Open House
Admitted Law Student Open House
Giving a deeper insight into what it is like to attend UTulsa Law, we are hosting an admitted student Open House for incoming 2025 students. Program will include discussions with some top administrators from the College of Law, interaction with law students, a mock law school class and more!
TU/VITA Tax Filing
TU/VITA Tax Filing
UTulsa students: Need help filing your taxes? Stop by the TU/VITA tax clinic Wednesdays or Saturdays through April 15 for free tax assistance. Book an appointment online.
Houston Alumni & Prospective Student Reception
Houston Alumni & Prospective Student Reception
Join UTulsa on Saturday, Feb. 22, for a special reception celebrating The University of Tulsa with university leadership, alumni, current and prospective students, and their families. Learn about UTulsa and our path to excellence at a reception hosted by the TU Alumni Association. Don't miss this opportunity to network and engage with the UTulsa community! […]
Glenn Godsey- Celebration of Life
Glenn Godsey- Celebration of Life
Please join us in the Alexandre Hogue Gallery for a celebration of the life and legacy of Glenn Godsey, Professor Emeritus of Art. A man of many gifts, Glenn was […]