Events from November 10, 2023 – April 20 – Events Calendar
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Mayo Village Apartments & Student Activities Center South Delaware Avenue, Tulsa, OK, United States

Play local multiplayer games and make friends along the way. Pizza and drinks will be served. Consoles and games will be set up for all to play, but feel free […]


“April Fools” Fireside Stand-Up Night

Allen Chapman Student Union 440 S Gary Ave, Tulsa, OK, United States

The TU Tee-Hee Club invites students, faculty, and Tulsa community members to our mid-semester comedy show, "April Fools" Fireside Stand-Up Night! Laugh with us as we bring you performances from […]



Mayo Village Apartments & Student Activities Center South Delaware Avenue, Tulsa, OK, United States

TU students join LANBrew Gaming to play games and eat food. Attendees bring computers and consoles. Attendance is free for TU students.
