- Events
- TU Students
Wireless Connectivity: Innovations and Challenges for a Connected World
Keplinger Hall 430 South Gary Place, TulsaFriends of Finance Executive Speaker Series Luncheon Featuring Dana Weber, Webco Industries CEO
Allen Chapman Student Union 440 S Gary Ave, TulsaLet’s Talk About It – Civil Rights and Equality: A Pulitzer Prize Centennial Series
Helmerich Center for American Research 1400 N Gilcrease Museum Rd, TulsaWeek of Events
Deadline: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Applications
Deadline: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Applications
Deadline: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program applications. Learn more. The University of Tulsa’s Office of Nationally Competitive Scholarships invites UTulsa students to apply each year for several national scholarships, fellowships, and grants. These awards are highly competitive. For more information, contact Terrie Shipley, director of National Fellowships, at terrie-shipley@utulsa.edu or schedule a meeting.
SGA Senate and Homecoming Elections
SGA Senate and Homecoming Elections
TU students are invited to vote for SGA Senate and Homecoming that will represent you in various constituencies like academic colleges or residential areas! Also, vote for Homecoming Royalty to see who represents TU!
Spring 2025 Campus Housing Application Opens
Spring 2025 Campus Housing Application Opens
The Spring 2025 Housing Application officially opens! Don’t miss your chance to secure your spot for on-campus living next semester based on availability. Whether returning to campus or applying for the first time, now is the time to complete your housing application and ensure a smooth transition for the upcoming spring semester. Apply here.
Deadline: Gates Cambridge Scholarship Applications
Deadline: Gates Cambridge Scholarship Applications
Deadline: Gates Cambridge Scholarship applications. Learn more. The University of Tulsa’s Office of Nationally Competitive Scholarships invites UTulsa students to apply each year for several national scholarships, fellowships, and grants. These awards are highly competitive. For more information, contact Terrie Shipley, director of National Fellowships, at terrie-shipley@utulsa.edu or schedule a meeting.
Fall 24: Midterm grades due
INTO LIGHT Oklahoma Exhibition
INTO LIGHT Oklahoma Exhibition
On view through Dec. 21, 2024 The Oklahoma Center for the Humanities is pleased to partner with the INTO LIGHT Project to bring a new exhibit to 101 Archer: "Drug Addiction: Real People, Real Stories." The exhibit will feature original graphite portraits of 30 Oklahomans who have passed away from drug overdoses, accompanied by professional […]
Design Challenge: ORU x TU
Design Challenge: ORU x TU
We are introducing a new and exciting cross-town partnership with The University of Tulsa and Oral Robert’s University’s Entrepreneurship Centers! We are hosting a “Design Challenge” where students will get the opportunity to develop business concepts and MVP strategies in just 48 hours. This event will allow students to participate in workshop style instruction and […]
Tulsa Pride Parade 2024
Tulsa Pride Parade 2024
UTulsa is excited to take part in the 2024 Tulsa Pride Parade. Below are the details for this event. If you would like to walk with Tulsa Athletics at this event please register and more info will be sent out a few days prior to the event. Below is general information about this year's parade. […]
Wireless Connectivity: Innovations and Challenges for a Connected World
Wireless Connectivity: Innovations and Challenges for a Connected World
Please join the College of Engineering and Computer Science for our Hulings Distinguished Lecture Series guest speaker, Reza Rofougaran, Ph.D., who will discuss "Wireless Connectivity: Innovations and Challenges for a Connected World". Abstract Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly important role in the development and deployment of wireless communication systems. AI-powered algorithms can be […]
Writing Center Ask Me Anything Pop Up
Writing Center Ask Me Anything Pop Up
Writing Center consultants are coming to YOU in October! TU students are invited to stop by our pop-up Ask Me Anything booths with quick writing questions. You'll find our consultants in the Student Union. If you're stuck on a last minute citation, grammar, or thesis question, this is an easy opportunity to get a second […]
Free Lunch at BCM
Free Lunch at BCM
UTulsa students, faculty, and staff are invited to enjoy a great free lunch in a fun and relaxed environment, make new friends, and have good conversations! This is a come-and-go event. Visit www.tulsabcm.com/happymonday to view the menu!
La Tertulia – TU Spanish Club
La Tertulia – TU Spanish Club
TU students are invited to a relaxing get together to practice speaking and listening to the Spanish language. All fluency levels welcome! Will occasionally have food from Latin cultures.
Yoga with Shannon
Yoga with Shannon
Join instructor Shannon in the Collins Fitness Center multi-purpose room every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for yoga. Free for UTulsa students, faculty, and staff; bring a guest for $5. First time? Come to class a few minutes early to sign the group fitness waiver.
C. S. Lewis Book Club
C. S. Lewis Book Club
TU students are invited to join us every Monday to read through books by C. S. Lewis and discuss their ideas. We're currently reading "That Hideous Strength," the third book of Lewis's Space Trilogy. Come and argue (um discuss) with us! We read it there so all you need to do is show up.
Rhythm Cycle with Adora
Rhythm Cycle with Adora
Join instructor Adora in the Collins Fitness Center cycle room for rhythm cycle. Free for UTulsa students, faculty, and staff; bring a guest for $5. First time? Come to class a few minutes early to sign the group fitness waiver.
Tennis with AIS
Tennis with AIS
International UTulsa students are invited to join AIS every Monday during the fall semester for a fun evening of tennis. No experience needed – all skill levels are invited to play and join the fun! Racquets provided.
Awesome Abs with Cade
Awesome Abs with Cade
Join instructor Cade in the Collins Fitness Center multi-purpose room for Awesome Abs. Free for UTulsa students, faculty, and staff; bring a guest for $5. First time? Come to class a few minutes early to sign the group fitness waiver.
Monday Night Fellowship
Monday Night Fellowship
UTulsa students are invited to enjoy worship and study the Bible with other students who care about you! Heavy snacks 7:30-8 p.m., followed by worship and Bible study at 8. Follow @TulsaBCM for weekly details.
Vinyasa Yoga with Bea
Vinyasa Yoga with Bea
Join instructor Bea in the Collins Fitness Center multi-purpose room for Vinyasa Yoga. Free for UTulsa students, faculty, and staff; bring a guest for $5. First time? Come to class a few minutes early to sign the group fitness waiver.
Books & Bagels
Books & Bagels
Dayne C. Riley, Ph.D., explores bad habits and satire at the Books & Bagels Series in McFarlin Library! Riley’s first book examines how Aphra Behn, John Gay, Jonathan Swift and others depicted consumable items like wine, gin, and tobacco in their literary satire. Bagels and coffee will be served. More about CONSUMING ANXIETIES Dayne C. […]
Ladies’ Luncheon and Fellowship
Ladies’ Luncheon and Fellowship
Female UTulsa students are invited to join us for a delightful Ladies' Lunch every Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. or 12:20 p.m. It's a wonderful opportunity to enjoy good food, warm company, and meaningful conversations as we deepen our fellowship and explore more about God's word together. Whether you're seeking connection or spiritual growth, this gathering […]
Newman Free Lunch
Newman Free Lunch
TU students join the Newman Center for free lunch every single Tuesday of the semester! The Newman center appreciates the families, organizations, and individuals who provide students with free lunch and give up their time to serve.
BCM Man Lunch
BCM Man Lunch
UTulsa men: Eat free food. Hear inspiring stories of how God works. Ask good questions. Learn stuff. Make new friends. There are two start times for the conversations: join us at 11:30 a.m. or 12:20 p.m. See you there!
Gentle Yoga with Leta
Gentle Yoga with Leta
Join instructor Leta in the Collins Fitness Center multi-purpose room for gentle yoga. Free for UTulsa students, faculty, and staff; bring a guest for $5. First time? Come to class a few minutes early to sign the group fitness waiver.
TU Real Estate Club Meeting
TU Real Estate Club Meeting
TU students are invited to join TU Real Estate Club to learn about different opportunities within real estate and participate in discussions about the industry! Free snacks will be available.
Writing Center Ask Me Anything Pop Up
Writing Center Ask Me Anything Pop Up
Writing Center consultants are coming to YOU in October! TU students are invited to stop by our pop-up Ask Me Anything booths with quick writing questions. You'll find our consultants in the Student Union. If you're stuck on a last minute citation, grammar, or thesis question, this is an easy opportunity to get a second […]
Nu, Pogodi! with Russian Club
Nu, Pogodi! with Russian Club
Join Russian Club for a screening of "Nu, Pogodi!", a Russian children's cartoon from the 1960's onwards! We will be watching back-to-back episodes of the cartoon, along with a short […]
Mat Pilates with Stevie
Mat Pilates with Stevie
Join instructor Stevie in the Collins Fitness Center multi-purpose room for Mat Pilates. Free for UTulsa students, faculty, and staff; bring a guest for $5. First time? Come to class a few minutes early to sign the group fitness waiver.
TUTV Show Recordings
TUTV Show Recordings
TU and the Tulsa community are invited to listen to TUTV show recordings every week. TUTV is a student-led multimedia collaborative based at The University of Tulsa. Follow their weekly live show covering the latest news, sports, and entertainment on campus and around the globe below!
Zumba Toning with Ginger
Zumba Toning with Ginger
Join instructor Ginger in the Collins Fitness Center multi-purpose room for Zumba Toning. Free for UTulsa students, faculty, and staff; bring a guest for $5. First time? Come to class a few minutes early to sign the group fitness waiver.
Vinyasa Yoga with Leta
Vinyasa Yoga with Leta
Join instructor Leta in the Collins Fitness Center multi-purpose room for Vinyasa Yoga. Free for UTulsa students, faculty, and staff; bring a guest for $5. First time? Come to class a few minutes early to sign the group fitness waiver.
Let the Games Begin! Every Campus a Refuge
Let the Games Begin! Every Campus a Refuge
Kick back from midterms with a game night hosted by Every Campus a Refuge! We will have board games, card games, and interactive games that will guarantee time away from […]
Start 2nd Arcade Machine Game Jam & Game Night
Start 2nd Arcade Machine Game Jam & Game Night
Join IGDA-TU for the wrap up of our first Arcade Machine game jam. We will vote on a winner from last week then announce the genre and start the next jam. Following this, we will have a game night.
Tabletop Gaming Club
Tabletop Gaming Club
The TU Tabletop Games Club meets every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Esports Gaming Lounge to play board games in a relaxed and friendly environment. All UTulsa students are welcome to join for a casual gaming experience.
Student Government Association (SGA) Senate Meetings
Student Government Association (SGA) Senate Meetings
TU students are invited to come check out Student Government Association (SGA) Senate Meetings at 9 p.m. in Helmrich Hall 105 to learn about how SGA is advocating for the student body! You are also able to voice your opinions!
Cycle with Katie
Cycle with Katie
Join instructor Katie in the Collins Fitness Center cycle room for Cycle with Katie. Free for UTulsa students, faculty, and staff; bring a guest for $5. First time? Come to class a few minutes early to sign the group fitness waiver.
Snacks & Sips with Arts & Sciences
Snacks & Sips with Arts & Sciences
TU faculty, staff, and students are invited to stop by the Kendall College of Arts & Sciences Dean's Office, located on the first floor of Tyrrell Hall, for snacks and refreshments on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (or while supplies last!)
Writing Center Ask Me Anything Pop Up
Writing Center Ask Me Anything Pop Up
Writing Center consultants are coming to YOU in October! TU students are invited to stop by our pop-up Ask Me Anything booths with quick writing questions. You'll find our consultants in the Student Union. If you're stuck on a last minute citation, grammar, or thesis question, this is an easy opportunity to get a second […]
Friends of Finance Executive Speaker Series Luncheon Featuring Dana Weber, Webco Industries CEO
Friends of Finance Executive Speaker Series Luncheon Featuring Dana Weber, Webco Industries CEO
Join Friends of Finance for the Executive Speaker Series to hear from Dana Weber, CEO of Webco Industries. Dana S. Weber’s story is a compelling narrative of ambition and success, rooted in her early exposure to her family's business, Webco Industries, founded by her father, F. William "Bill" Weber. From starting work there at just […]
Psychology Information Exchange (PIE)
Psychology Information Exchange (PIE)
The University of Tulsa I-O Psychology Department invites Jerod White, Ph.D., Research Scientist at Hogan Assessments, to talk with faculty and graduate students about research being conducted at Hogan Assessment.
WOW-Worship on Wednesday
WOW-Worship on Wednesday
A Christian-particular Praise and Worship Chapel Service held on Wednesdays at noon in the Sanctuary during the academic year. Speakers include campus staff, students and faculty as well as TU campus ministers, area pastors and community leaders. Students are invited and welcome. A free lunch follows WOW at 12:30 p.m. in the Atrium.
Yoga with Shannon
Yoga with Shannon
Join instructor Shannon in the Collins Fitness Center multi-purpose room every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for yoga. Free for UTulsa students, faculty, and staff; bring a guest for $5. First time? Come to class a few minutes early to sign the group fitness waiver.
Gentle Yoga with Jamie
Gentle Yoga with Jamie
Join instructor Jamie in the Collins Fitness Center multi-purpose room for gentle yoga. Free for UTulsa students, faculty, and staff; bring a guest for $5. First time? Come to class a few minutes early to sign the group fitness waiver.
Is Writing the History of the Impossible Possible?
Is Writing the History of the Impossible Possible?
Carlos Eire, Ph.D. and T. Lawrason Riggs Professor of History and Religious Studies at Yale University, will present "Is Writing the History of the Impossible Possible?" If one’s dominant culture considers some events or phenomena totally impossible, especially on scientific grounds, how should one approach eyewitness testimonies from past centuries that speak of such events […]
Rhythm Cycle with Adora
Rhythm Cycle with Adora
Join instructor Adora in the Collins Fitness Center cycle room for rhythm cycle. Free for UTulsa students, faculty, and staff; bring a guest for $5. First time? Come to class a few minutes early to sign the group fitness waiver.
Writing Center Ask Me Anything Pop Up
Writing Center Ask Me Anything Pop Up
Writing Center consultants are coming to YOU in October! TU students are invited to stop by our pop-up Ask Me Anything booths with quick writing questions. You'll find our consultants in the Student Union. If you're stuck on a last minute citation, grammar, or thesis question, this is an easy opportunity to get a second […]
Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) Meeting
Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) Meeting
Women in Science and Engineering planning meeting in the Student Union's Alcove Room.
Gentle Yoga with Leta
Gentle Yoga with Leta
Join instructor Leta in the Collins Fitness Center multi-purpose room for gentle yoga. Free for UTulsa students, faculty, and staff; bring a guest for $5. First time? Come to class a few minutes early to sign the group fitness waiver.
Totally Toned with Stevie
Totally Toned with Stevie
Join instructor Stevie in the Collins Fitness Center multi-purpose room for Totally Toned. Free for UTulsa students, faculty, and staff; bring a guest for $5. First time? Come to class a few minutes early to sign the group fitness waiver.
Let’s Talk About It – Civil Rights and Equality: A Pulitzer Prize Centennial Series
Let’s Talk About It – Civil Rights and Equality: A Pulitzer Prize Centennial Series
The Helmerich Center for American Research at Gilcrease Museum invites you to join us for the third installment of our Let’s Talk About It book discussion series, with the theme “Civil Rights and Equality: A Pulitzer Prize Centennial Series.” Tonnia L. Anderson, Ph.D., will lead us in a discussion of "The Arc of Justice: A […]
Gentle Yoga with Jamie
Gentle Yoga with Jamie
Join instructor Jamie in the Collins Fitness Center multi-purpose room for gentle yoga. Free for UTulsa students, faculty, and staff; bring a guest for $5. First time? Come to class a few minutes early to sign the group fitness waiver.
Faculty in Residence 90’s Snack Night
Faculty in Residence 90’s Snack Night
As TU’s Faculty in Residence, Dr. Emily Contois welcomes all TU students (and fellow TU 90's kids!) to her home to relieve some midterm stress at this fun social event, complete with 90's snacks and a classic commercials playlist. Drop by to taste, sip, chat, and relax—and to discuss food advertising and packaging, "kid culture" […]
Preview TU for Juniors
Preview TU for Juniors
Preview TU provides a broad overview of the opportunities UTulsa offers students and a glimpse into life as a member of the Golden Hurricane family. Students can pick which sessions they attend based on their interests and academic goals.
Design Challenge: ORU x TU
Design Challenge: ORU x TU
We are introducing a new and exciting cross-town partnership with The University of Tulsa and Oral Robert’s University’s Entrepreneurship Centers! We are hosting a “Design Challenge” where students will get the opportunity to develop business concepts and MVP strategies in just 48 hours. This event will allow students to participate in workshop style instruction and […]
Writing Center Ask Me Anything Pop Up
Writing Center Ask Me Anything Pop Up
Writing Center consultants are coming to YOU in October! TU students are invited to stop by our pop-up Ask Me Anything booths with quick writing questions. You'll find our consultants in the Student Union. If you're stuck on a last minute citation, grammar, or thesis question, this is an easy opportunity to get a second […]
Sustainable Manufacturing: Origins and Future Directions
Sustainable Manufacturing: Origins and Future Directions
Please join the College of Engineering and Computer Science for our Hulings Distinguished Lecture Series guest speaker, John W. Sutherland, Ph.D., who will discuss "Sustainable Manufacturing: Origins and Future Directions." Abstract As a society we face many environmental challenges, e.g., solid, liquid, and airborne waste streams; shortages of water, selected materials, and energy resources; and […]
Yoga with Shannon
Yoga with Shannon
Join instructor Shannon in the Collins Fitness Center multi-purpose room every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for yoga. Free for UTulsa students, faculty, and staff; bring a guest for $5. First time? Come to class a few minutes early to sign the group fitness waiver.
Fab Lab Make & Take
Fab Lab Make & Take
UTulsa students are invited to join the team at Fab Lab Tulsa for a fun, relaxing, and creative afternoon of making. You'll create a custom, color-changing LED sign using 2D design software and laser cutters. All supplies are provided, just bring your amazing ideas! Space is limited and there is a fee of $25. Use […]
Pathfinders Weekly Gathering
Pathfinders Weekly Gathering
Pathfinders participants are invited for a weekly community get together. Guest speakers and specific topics will be announced the week of via social media. Free beverages and snacks are always provided.
Studio 151: Podcasting Lab Meeting
Studio 151: Podcasting Lab Meeting
Join us to talk about your podcast ideas. Studio 151 meets bi-weekly on Friday at 5 p.m. in the Studio B, Kendall Hall. We gather and talk about podcasts, from pitching new ideas to planning to scheduling the recording times. Don't be shy if you're new, just show up and we got you covered!
Design Challenge: ORU x TU
Design Challenge: ORU x TU
We are introducing a new and exciting cross-town partnership with The University of Tulsa and Oral Robert’s University’s Entrepreneurship Centers! We are hosting a “Design Challenge” where students will get the opportunity to develop business concepts and MVP strategies in just 48 hours. This event will allow students to participate in workshop style instruction and […]
Zumba with Ginger
Zumba with Ginger
Join instructor Ginger in the Collins Fitness Center multi-purpose room for Zumba. Free for UTulsa students, faculty, and staff; bring a guest for $5. First time? Come to class a few minutes early to sign the group fitness waiver.