Events from February 26 – March 4 › TU Alumni › – Page 3 – Events Calendar
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Alien Worlds: A New Exhibition

101 E. Archer 101 E. Archer St., Tulsa, OK, United States

On view through April 26, 2025. Since the beginning of time, we have looked to the skies with wonder, fear, hope, and curiosity as we try to imagine what could exist out in the cosmos. This exhibit explores the depiction of aliens and their homes across history and popular culture. We document the way humans […]


Event Series C. S. Lewis Book Club

C. S. Lewis Book Club

Wesley Foundation 3019 East 5th Street, Tulsa, OK, United States

TU students are invited to join us every Monday to read through books by C. S. Lewis and discuss their ideas. We're currently reading "That Hideous Strength," the third book […]

The AI We Deserve – But Won’t Get

101 E. Archer 101 E. Archer St., Tulsa, OK, United States

Evgeny Morozov in conversation with President Carson. Evgeny Morozov is the founder of The Syllabus (a knowledge curation platform) and its associated non-profit, The Center for the Advancement of Infrastructural […]
