C. S. Lewis Book Club
C. S. Lewis Book Club
TU students are invited to join us every Monday to read through books by C. S. Lewis and discuss their ideas. We're currently reading "That Hideous Strength," the third book […]
TU students are invited to join us every Monday to read through books by C. S. Lewis and discuss their ideas. We're currently reading "That Hideous Strength," the third book […]
TU students are invited to join us every Monday to read through books by C. S. Lewis and discuss their ideas. We're currently reading "That Hideous Strength," the third book […]
Registration is now closed. Please join The University of Tulsa's Honors College and the Kendall College of Arts and Sciences Department of Philosophy and Religion as we commemorate the 1500th anniversary of the death of Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius Feb. 6-7, 2025. We will be joined by internationally recognized scholars to honor the life and […]
TU students are invited to join us every Monday to read through books by C. S. Lewis and discuss their ideas. We're currently reading "That Hideous Strength," the third book […]
This talk is advances the idea that the humanities as a set of disciplines are often generated or inspired by remarkable altered states of consciousness and embodiment, which can sometimes be re-experienced by a deep engagement with the texts and artworks themselves. Hence many a teaching or pedagogical moment. Hence some of the furthest reaches […]
TU students are invited to join us every Monday to read through books by C. S. Lewis and discuss their ideas. We're currently reading "That Hideous Strength," the third book […]
TU students are invited to join us every Monday to read through books by C. S. Lewis and discuss their ideas. We're currently reading "That Hideous Strength," the third book […]