Past Events from April 20, 2024 – May 10, 2024 › Exercise & Sports Science › – Events Calendar
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Youth Sports Safety Festival

McCullough Park 11534 E 25th St, Tulsa, OK, United States

Attention all parents, coaches, and the Tulsa community! TU's Oxley College of Health & Natural Sciences' Concussion Center is hosting a free Youth Sports Safety Festival at McCullough Park that's not to be missed. This festival is all about promoting a safe and enjoyable environment for children participating in sports. You'll learn fundamental safety practices, […]


Exercise and Sports Science Celebration

Helmerich Hall 2900 East 5th Street, Tulsa, OK, United States

This end-of-the year celebration is open to all Exercise and Sports Science students. At this event, we’ll recognize our upcoming graduates (including those from December 2023), distribute graduation cords, highlight some accomplishments, and chat with some EXSS alumni. Food and drinks will be available. Please contact Eric Wickel for more information.

Oxley College of Health and Natural Science Awards Ceremony

Allen Chapman Student Union 440 S Gary Ave, Tulsa, OK, United States

The University of Tulsa's Oxley College of Health and Natural Sciences will be holding an awards ceremony for OCHNS Staff, Students, and Faculty. The TU community is welcome to join and celebrate!

Oxley College of Health and Natural Science Graduation Breakfast

Bayless Plaza 800 South Tucker Drive, Tulsa, OK, United States

All students of Oxley College of Health and Natural Sciences and families are invited to join TU's Oxley College for Senior Breakfast, honoring graduating seniors. The event will take place on the Bayless Plaza.