Tulsa Aphasia Support Group
Join UTulsa faculty and students from the Communication Sciences and Disorders department for the Tulsa Aphasia Support Group. It is open to individuals with aphasia and their families. The group […]
Join UTulsa faculty and students from the Communication Sciences and Disorders department for the Tulsa Aphasia Support Group. It is open to individuals with aphasia and their families. The group […]
Join us in creating signs and writing letters to support the Student Loan Interest Elimination Act at the Mary K Chapman Clinic for Communicative Disorders. Pizza provided!
Join TU's Communication Sciences & Disorders for a cochlear implant support group meeting. We provide a venue to learn, practice listening and connect with individuals who use cochlear implants. Closed captioning is offered. ASL interpreters are available upon request. Everyone is welcome including individuals with cochlear implants and anyone considering a cochlear implant. Parents, spouses, […]
The 12th Grade Next Steps Symposium consists of the following components: High school students hear from a panel of pre-med students who discuss their experiences in making the transition from high school to college. The panel session is immediately followed by a Q&A session with the panelists. At this event, students also learn tips for […]
Graduates of The University of Tulsa Class of 1974 are invited to join fellow classmates in celebrating your 50-year reunion at Homecoming 2024! Please plan to join us for a […]
TU Homecoming excitement begins with the annual pep rally! Join the action as the Sound of the Golden Hurricane band plays and the Spirit Squad rallies the crowd into a […]
The annual TU on Tap party will be held immediately after the Pep Rally and Bonfire on Friday, October 25 on Dietler Commons near Delaware St. This event is FREE […]
Join The University of Tulsa's Oxley College of Health and Natural Sciences for a Life-Saving Event! We're hosting a Blood Drive on Thursday, Oct.31, from 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. in Multipurpose Suite 112. Every donation makes a difference, and as a special thank-you, donors will receive a glow-in-the-dark PEOPLEJUICE T-shirt! 🎉 To make an appointment, visit […]