Practical Issues in Energy Management Speaker Series
The TU community is invited to hear from Secretary Ken McQueen, Oklahoma’s Secretary of Energy and Environment about energy issues and opportunities affecting the state.
The TU community is invited to hear from Secretary Ken McQueen, Oklahoma’s Secretary of Energy and Environment about energy issues and opportunities affecting the state.
UTulsa students are invited to join the TU Real Estate Club for an exclusive tour of the projects underway and upcoming at TUL! The Tulsa International Airport is currently working […]
Join us for an engaging lecture by Mark Ver Hoeve, president of Quandary Geoscience LLC, as he explores the rising demand for critical minerals essential for electric vehicle (EV) production. Key […]
Join Friends of Finance for the Executive Speaker series to hear from TU Alum and MIRATECH CEO, David Zenthoefer. David Zenthoefer serves as the CEO of MIRATECH, leveraging over two […]
High school students with an interest in economics and finance are invited to participate in a friendly competition focused on presenting investment advice, focusing on two powerslam topics. During a live 20-minute presentation, each team will showcase their project followed by a 10-minute Q&A session. Judges from the industry and members of UTulsa finance faculty […]
Visit the UTulsa Student Investment Fund open house to learn more about SIF and see if you would like to participate in during a future semester. During this session, members […]
UTulsa students are invited to stop by and learn how analysts select the sector allocation, find stocks to buy, and recognize which stocks to sell! Free food provided.
UTulsa students are challenged to build a creative gingerbread structure for our Winter Wonderland Community. Students may work alone or in small teams – all materials provided. Stop in any time after 9 a.m. to build. A free lunch will be served at noon, followed by judging at 12:45 p.m. and prizes for the best […]