TU Employee Fitness Assessment
Come out and take advantage of the opportunity to receive a free health-fitness assessment. Yes that’s right..free! The current market value for such a service could cost as much as $100. This assessment will alert you to your current health-fitness level in comparison to others in your age and gender category. Also, you will receive a detailed portfolio of necessary recommendations for improvement and sustainment of your current health-fitness status.
The dates of participation are: February 26th & 28th: 11-11:25am or 11:25-11:50am. To sign up for either 11:00am or 11:25am session, please contact Jason West at jowest@utulsa.edu to signup/reserve your spot at your preferred session day & time. Participants must have a valid TU ID, appropriate clothing and athletic shoes are recommended, but not required. All participants will need to complete the Fitness Assessment forms & Collins Fitness Center Facility wavier prior to attending the scheduled session. Please bring completed Fitness Assessments forms to your assessment session. Participants will have access to the Collins Fitness Center locker room if needed.